Tuesday, October 9, 2007

recent annoyances

You know come to think of it, there are few people who I really trust these days. Don't get me wrong, I do have people that I would trust with my life. Then there are people that I should trust with my life, but unfortunately I can't. Maybe I'm just frustrated right now, I just caught not one but a couple people lying to me, and then someone else making stories up about me. I have to wonder how much that happens after so long. And another thing, If I do, what I know a couple people like to call my walk way thing, around people. This is where I all of a sudden just walk away for a minute or two and then come back. Most of the time it is not because I am upset, as it is perceived to be. Most of the time I get deep in thought, and I walk away to think for a few moments. Then I come back and start to talk and nobody will give me a chance to say anything, before asking why I'm upset, I try to say I'm not, but they just don't respect me enough to say, oh your not? Instead they just walk off. So I just wanted to make this clear, so that my friends don't read me the wrong way like some of them do.
So I'm still waiting on my car right now, but it should be soon. That way I can dump my old car on Ethan, hehe. Hoping I have the car by the end of this week that way I can take it up to drill weekend with me. But we'll see, it's all in Gods hands. Well I'm done talking for now. Later:)

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