Tuesday, November 13, 2007


So It's been a little while since I last wrote. Honestly not too much has happened. I've been out of commission all last week because of this nasty little bugger called bronchitis. Haven't been that sick in only God knows how long. Sure i've had my occational allergy attack, but this was soething else. Busy working at the agency. Haha, I started training with my Dad, We get up early in the mornings now and go out running. I made him a bet that if I get to a 9 minute mile and a half by June, lol, then he shaves the mustache. It helps when there is motivation, goodbye vermonter abs, haha.
Jonathan is starting up a bible study soon, It should be really awesome. I'm looking forward to just digging in the word. Lately I'm trying (keyword being trying, lol) to watch my self. Pretty much watch what say and do, and what I watch, aka movie and TV.
You know I would really like to pull out my cowboy hat and go horse back riding, haha, that would be great!
BTW, is anyone interested in Going to Burlington on saturday november 24th. Pretty much just hit up some laser tag, mini golf (indoor), have some fun?
well, i think i'm gonna go to lunch now. Later:)

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