Friday, September 7, 2007


So, I went to the fair last night. Brittany came too, which just made it much much more fun:D. I guess it was the same really as it was all the other years. Although I did do different things. Yes, I did face my fear of older decrepit looking rides that take you upside down, and conquered them, with much adrenaline surging through me. Here's what happened. We entered the gates around 7:30ish, and pretty much right then we ran into my pastor and chatted for a while. Then we got ever so closer to the dreaded zipper, and I didn't trust it in the least bit. But I have a girl with me who's going to go on it whether I do or not, so... come on! So then I decided to man up and say "lets just knock the zipper out of the way now." So we get closer, and closer, all the while my adrenaline is pumping, maybe more than it was on the plane to basic training. So now we're there, where in line, and Brittany hits me with this, "you okay? you know you don't have to go on it if you don't want." with that all my plans of telling everyone how Britt made me do it came crashing down. I wasn't crushed too bad, but there went my biggest excuse for going on it. After the ride I found it to be one of my favorites! Then we went on the Rainbow thing, the scrambler, and then it happened again. The Ring of Fire. Stinking Jackson said he was going on the ring of fire, and Brittany was going with him. Well, I wasn't going to be the only one left on the ground so I piped up and said I'm going too. Well, talk about disorienting and unnatural, and yet it was really cool. HAHA, and Brittany said my face was like priceless:).
So after that we tried to go to the Maple house, but that was closed! to my most utter disappointment. After that, the fair was pretty much the same thing as any other year. so we walked around for maybe another ten minutes and left.
When I got home I realized one of the most coolest thing ever. I just went through the fair spending only 12 bucks, out of the certain amount of money I budgeted out!!!! External Hard drive here I come!!!!!
This weekend I'm talking off for Training on the Air National Guard Base. I'll update you Saturday night and let yall know how it goes:)

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