Friday, September 14, 2007

the week is over..... finally

So it's Friday now, and has been approximately about a week since my last update. Lets start back at the weekend.... Saturday i woke up at about 0300 hrs, thats 3 am. i was on the road @ 0400 hrs or 4am. i got to the base at about 6. All day we took classes o the M240B, one of our bigger machine guns, the thing is intense, I had to pay special attention because i was the lucky one on my squad who got designated to be the 240B gunner. Not fun when one is in the desert lugging that thing around all day, luckily I haven't had to do that yet. the next day, all day we fired it, and when we weren't shooting, we trained in patrolling, that was fun, but intense, it felt like we ran full out for 3 miles straight with our weapons, the sweat was pouring, every once in a while the sergeant would yell out "Incoming", our faces immediately hit the dirt, then we crawled and rolled for only God knows how many hundred yards. The when the day was over, we cleaned our weapons. we were released and I drove home, but i wasn't tired. I met up with Britt (what i found out tonight she prefers to be called, lol) and went to undignified.
So monday came along got maybe two hrs of sleep the night before, well i was a bit tired. I went to work got back home then britt, jon, mer and myself hung out for a while. So eventually Tuesday came, the rest of the week was kinda a blurr. I did however receive my liscence to sell insurance, so now I am an Insurance agent. Tonite was a big huge magic (*cough* Geek *cough*) fest. hehe, it was fun though, pretty much everybody was there. Then I just felt like leaving so then i came home, and that brings us to the present. So now i'm tired and i think i might go to bed. goodnight all.

1 comment:

The Ethan said...

Youv gotten me addicted to Heros!!!! you JERK!