Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Well monday was fun. My payment for college was due today, I only just got the paper work friday and sent it friday, which unfortunately is not enough time for it to get there before first payment was due for payment plan. Kinda unfair for people who register and doing the payment plan who has to send it in, otherwise they loose there spot in all the classes. So after being on the phone for some time, I found that I can void the app and check I sent in and do the tuition pay plan online, which my Guidance counselor failed to tell me, sheesh! So took all morning just to make sure I wasn't kicked out of class. But I'm good to go now and classes start January 22nd. It feels kinda weird going back to school, yet cool at the same time. hmmmmm.
I ran like five miles this morning, whew, It was cold!!!! but warmed up quick, I think I'm going to stick with the gyms' treadmill for now.

Monday, December 17, 2007

well now!

Yesterday was a fun day, let me tell u. not really, it was kinda wierd. I wasn't thinking clearly at all the entire day. Kept second guessing myself, make a decision about on issue and then 5 minutes later make a completely different decision on the same issue. Completely absent minded and out of it. HAHA, I went from depressed, to ticked off in matters of like five minutes all day. Made things much harder than it had to be. Missed Jackson's play, that was good... not. I was totally trippin yesterday. I woke up, called one of my friends, then like 30 seconds after my buddie from Tech called and said our other buddie died in a car accident saturday, So I'm guessing that had something to do with my behavior... but I'm back to thinking clearly now, what was really big issues yesterday, now nothing really. But that's my update. so God bless everyone:)

Sunday, December 16, 2007


well, it was a fun night, i guess. I Am Legend was great. well this was a great blog. now for an ethan, when I write "sigh" it means i thinking things i don't want public, but stuff is def on my mind. *sigh* . I so badly just want to move to burlington or anywhere really.

Monday, December 10, 2007


so, I think morning comes too early. 'nough said about that. Worked out this morning at 6, woke up a lot easier than I thought I would, hehe. So, we had cappuccino mix in the office, boy what a let down:( oh well, hot chocolate will work fine i guess. And I don't know what I'm typing right now, so I think I'm just going to stop now.... okay bye.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


So Ethan just shaved my hair. Turned out really good. My hair is real fuzzy now, YAY!



Monday, November 19, 2007

Work in progress

yeah let me know what you think, still a work in progress though:)

A Christians Testimony

Darkness was my life before,
the night I made that choice.
And the years keep passing more and more,
since I began my life with Christ.

The years have trudged on.
With many joys in it's wake.
Many pains come and gone.
Many events taken place.

As I ponder these years.
I think of all the pain,
all the times of trial.
and all the times of love.

Yet through these many years,
There has been a growth in faith.
And a certain Love for God.
that could make the Devil cave.

Lord, still there are times,
Times I fail you
Times I curse.
Times I ignore

Times I hate

Too many times I feel unworthy,
unworthy to be called your servant,
Unworthy of your love and grace,

I pray to you oh God,
"Lord, I am a fool,
I let You down and all those around.
God forgive my sins"

I always ask for forgiveness.
Time and time again.
And I always listen to my words.
And still they sound the same.

It is then I remember
The many many years.
The many times I've said these words
The many times I've failed.

An overwhelming sense of guilt
begins to fill my conscious mind.

My eyes well up with tears
And I cry "Why would you forgive!
How could you even care!
I don't deserve to live."

As I sit in silence
thinking why my heart still beats
I begin to feel your presence
I begin to feel your peace

And then you let me know
In your own subtle way
And I may not understand it now
But you love me today and always.

And now trials may come and go
And my road may not be smooth
But my Joy in you will never cease
And my faith will never loose.

With this simple truth
Ringing in my ears
I grow more in love for you
With each passing year.

~Nate Rabideau


I think I feel like writing something. hhhmmmm, but what could I write? An article maybe? but what about?? hhhmmmmmm

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


So It's been a little while since I last wrote. Honestly not too much has happened. I've been out of commission all last week because of this nasty little bugger called bronchitis. Haven't been that sick in only God knows how long. Sure i've had my occational allergy attack, but this was soething else. Busy working at the agency. Haha, I started training with my Dad, We get up early in the mornings now and go out running. I made him a bet that if I get to a 9 minute mile and a half by June, lol, then he shaves the mustache. It helps when there is motivation, goodbye vermonter abs, haha.
Jonathan is starting up a bible study soon, It should be really awesome. I'm looking forward to just digging in the word. Lately I'm trying (keyword being trying, lol) to watch my self. Pretty much watch what say and do, and what I watch, aka movie and TV.
You know I would really like to pull out my cowboy hat and go horse back riding, haha, that would be great!
BTW, is anyone interested in Going to Burlington on saturday november 24th. Pretty much just hit up some laser tag, mini golf (indoor), have some fun?
well, i think i'm gonna go to lunch now. Later:)

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I just recently found out about a big agency in Burlington called Bordman & Hitchcock Insurance Agency. I'm currently considering to apply for a Job there, after finding out they are looking for new qualified producers (aka, myself). It's likely I would get the Job. It's in a location that I want to be in. I want to move to Burlington. But is that what God wants? I don't know, I've been praying. We'll see.

How to Make a Website go Crazy

Go to your favorite website - let's say this one ;o)

1. Remove everything from the address bar, then copy & paste the following into it:

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5; DIS.top=Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

2. Hit enter

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Happy Day!!!!

I LOVE MY CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

Monday, October 15, 2007


So now I officially have a new car! Ethan has a new car too! We're having a car washing party tonight! I'm so excited! I'm too busy to write anything new right now.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Still no title for my car. I just got off the phone with Grace (lady who sold me the car), I probably wont get the title before this weekend. Oh well. hehe, sorry ethan:)
I have this crazy soar in my mouth right now, it kinda sucks. hehehe, it is kinda funny when I put the numbing stuff on. Well this was definitely a short blog. It's just for you Jonathan:)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

recent annoyances

You know come to think of it, there are few people who I really trust these days. Don't get me wrong, I do have people that I would trust with my life. Then there are people that I should trust with my life, but unfortunately I can't. Maybe I'm just frustrated right now, I just caught not one but a couple people lying to me, and then someone else making stories up about me. I have to wonder how much that happens after so long. And another thing, If I do, what I know a couple people like to call my walk way thing, around people. This is where I all of a sudden just walk away for a minute or two and then come back. Most of the time it is not because I am upset, as it is perceived to be. Most of the time I get deep in thought, and I walk away to think for a few moments. Then I come back and start to talk and nobody will give me a chance to say anything, before asking why I'm upset, I try to say I'm not, but they just don't respect me enough to say, oh your not? Instead they just walk off. So I just wanted to make this clear, so that my friends don't read me the wrong way like some of them do.
So I'm still waiting on my car right now, but it should be soon. That way I can dump my old car on Ethan, hehe. Hoping I have the car by the end of this week that way I can take it up to drill weekend with me. But we'll see, it's all in Gods hands. Well I'm done talking for now. Later:)

Monday, October 1, 2007


Well it has definetly been an interesting week or so since the last time I posted. pretty much working a lot. As far as my car goes, it's probably not going to last much longer. I got the exhaust system replaced, and this morning the car just wouldn't start. Fearing the worst again, I began to look for alternate means of transportation. I went home for lunch, and luckily Dave K swung by, we ended getting the car started, though the bad part is we don't know how, lol.
This weekend I went on a business trip to Providence, RI. all expense paid by MetLife. I stayed at a five star hotel, hehe. talk about fancy shmancy, although I'm more of a hamburger & hotdog kind of guy. I learned why Guys usually hate shopping so much. It's because of the big malls in these cities. Too many people and just more of a hassle, not very fun. although I did hit up the apple store, hehe, the geek within was flipping out! There was this Water fire celebration on the river in Providence that I had VIP access too, also the Metlife hospitality tent. that was cool. Definetly a romantic setting though, let me tell you, I looked around and all i could think was DANG IT!!! haha. I guess they have this celebration multiple times each year. I would definetly recommend it, as log as you have a date that is;)
ummmm, i'm not sure what else to say right now so I'm going to cease saming things at this point.
later everyone:)

Friday, September 14, 2007

the week is over..... finally

So it's Friday now, and has been approximately about a week since my last update. Lets start back at the weekend.... Saturday i woke up at about 0300 hrs, thats 3 am. i was on the road @ 0400 hrs or 4am. i got to the base at about 6. All day we took classes o the M240B, one of our bigger machine guns, the thing is intense, I had to pay special attention because i was the lucky one on my squad who got designated to be the 240B gunner. Not fun when one is in the desert lugging that thing around all day, luckily I haven't had to do that yet. the next day, all day we fired it, and when we weren't shooting, we trained in patrolling, that was fun, but intense, it felt like we ran full out for 3 miles straight with our weapons, the sweat was pouring, every once in a while the sergeant would yell out "Incoming", our faces immediately hit the dirt, then we crawled and rolled for only God knows how many hundred yards. The when the day was over, we cleaned our weapons. we were released and I drove home, but i wasn't tired. I met up with Britt (what i found out tonight she prefers to be called, lol) and went to undignified.
So monday came along got maybe two hrs of sleep the night before, well i was a bit tired. I went to work got back home then britt, jon, mer and myself hung out for a while. So eventually Tuesday came, the rest of the week was kinda a blurr. I did however receive my liscence to sell insurance, so now I am an Insurance agent. Tonite was a big huge magic (*cough* Geek *cough*) fest. hehe, it was fun though, pretty much everybody was there. Then I just felt like leaving so then i came home, and that brings us to the present. So now i'm tired and i think i might go to bed. goodnight all.

Friday, September 7, 2007


So I'm driving along, just coming back from the bookkeepers office, and I here a loud pop in my car. Now my car sounds like Jackson's car. Not good. I'll keep yall posted.


So, I went to the fair last night. Brittany came too, which just made it much much more fun:D. I guess it was the same really as it was all the other years. Although I did do different things. Yes, I did face my fear of older decrepit looking rides that take you upside down, and conquered them, with much adrenaline surging through me. Here's what happened. We entered the gates around 7:30ish, and pretty much right then we ran into my pastor and chatted for a while. Then we got ever so closer to the dreaded zipper, and I didn't trust it in the least bit. But I have a girl with me who's going to go on it whether I do or not, so... come on! So then I decided to man up and say "lets just knock the zipper out of the way now." So we get closer, and closer, all the while my adrenaline is pumping, maybe more than it was on the plane to basic training. So now we're there, where in line, and Brittany hits me with this, "you okay? you know you don't have to go on it if you don't want." with that all my plans of telling everyone how Britt made me do it came crashing down. I wasn't crushed too bad, but there went my biggest excuse for going on it. After the ride I found it to be one of my favorites! Then we went on the Rainbow thing, the scrambler, and then it happened again. The Ring of Fire. Stinking Jackson said he was going on the ring of fire, and Brittany was going with him. Well, I wasn't going to be the only one left on the ground so I piped up and said I'm going too. Well, talk about disorienting and unnatural, and yet it was really cool. HAHA, and Brittany said my face was like priceless:).
So after that we tried to go to the Maple house, but that was closed! to my most utter disappointment. After that, the fair was pretty much the same thing as any other year. so we walked around for maybe another ten minutes and left.
When I got home I realized one of the most coolest thing ever. I just went through the fair spending only 12 bucks, out of the certain amount of money I budgeted out!!!! External Hard drive here I come!!!!!
This weekend I'm talking off for Training on the Air National Guard Base. I'll update you Saturday night and let yall know how it goes:)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Commenting issues

Okay, for those of you that have expressed discontent with my Blog due to the fact that it did not allow for anonymous comments, no names being named (*cough*cough*jed*cough*). I have now fixed the the issue and is ready for you commenting pleasure.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Hi Again:)


So here I am, just working away... well not really, cause I'm writing this. I am at work though. It's pretty slow right now. Jonathan and Meredith, and Brittany and myself went out on Monday, (you know, the whole double date thing?) it was a blast. We went to Pirates Cove, and then to A&W, hehe, I felt the fat just pouring on, uuggghhh, oh well it sure was fun though. We went back home and sang Karaoke, haha, Brittany crushed Jon and I. She's such a good singer. Then we watched Elizabethtown. I know I know, chick flick, but it was really good.
Yesterday I went to work, went to the Gym, then to Jon's. That brings us up to today. Work is good. Although I did receive an E-mail from my sergeant today, it says I'm will be training this coming drill weekend, which means no shift work..... hmmmm.... I'll have to call and check up on that. oh well, I will update again at some point.

first blog

So yeah, this is my first blog. yay. I'm so happy about this, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOWWWW!!!!
So I'll write more later, but please try to contain yourselves.